Visual Updates for PlayerHUD

This week I started working on the feedback for the player on wave amount, enemy amount, and letting the player know when the wave starts and ends. The biggest problem I had when creating these elements was timing and when to broadcast the information needed to let the player HUD know when to show certain widgets. I was having an access violation error for a while because the wave complete widget runs on a timer to collapse and when the game would complete like the player won it would start the wave complete timed function and when you clicked main menu on the win condition menu it would crash.

To fix this problem I had to collaborate with one of my team members to figure out the best place to call the broadcast. I also worked with them to fine tune some of the if statements and functions so that when the Wave count hits five it will only show the win loss widget. After the adjustments the wave complete now only will show if wave count does not equal 5 and we also Made it to where the start new wave does not get called if wave count equals 5.

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