The Mistakes I Made With UI

Author: John Sauve

The problem I ran into was very avoidable if I would have put a little more thought into the design and setup of the Menu layout. When I started the main menu, I had a clear vision in my head on what I wanted but when it came to the options button it was up in the air at that time.  There were a few options I had in mind for the transition for the options menu which wasn't the biggest problem it was I started working without thinking it through.  The other problem that had to be addressed after the menu was created and the functionality got put on the play button was when the player loaded into the game they couldn't move. This problem had me stumped for a while because there were a few steps that were done to load the first level like the game modes for the main menu and the level and the game instance.

The first problem is simple and avoidable with planning but this problem I ended up deleting the widget I was going to use. Because after some thinking to myself the background on the main menu is fine for both options and main menu. So after some more research I ended up just collapsing or hiding one menu while the other is out no need for anything extra. With the second problem I ran into was could have been solved with prior planning because there was two simple steps I missed when making my controllers and my main menu widget. The player controller I made had a blueprint and script the blueprint was made first so when the script got made, I forgot to reparent the blueprint. Then with the Widget I forgot to make it focusable.

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